Sleep Number® App Error e024: SleepIQ Technology Processor Error


  • The error means that the Sleep Number app has lost connection with the pump.
  • This error will remain on the Sleep Number app until it is cleared, even if the connection issues has been resolved.

Sleep Number Customers

Prior to beginning troubleshooting, check the LEDs on your pump. The 3rd light on the pump indicates connectivity of the pump.

  • If the 3rd LED is blinking or solid: Third Light blinking or solid means the processor error has been resolved. Close out the app and reopen it to clear error.
  • If the 3rd LED is off: This means that there is a SleepIQ Technology Processor Error with your pump.


  1. Close out of the Sleep Number app.
  2. Unplug the pump's power cord from the wall or surge protector.
  3. After 20 seconds, plug the pump back in to the outlet.
  4. The pump will take approximately 60 seconds to reboot.
  5. Open the Sleep Number app and retry.
  6. If the same message appears, power cycle up to 2 additional times.
    • If the issue continues to persist, contact Sleep Number for assistance.

I have returned my SleepIQ technology and continue to get this error

Applies to Traditional Sleep Number Mattresses.


  1. Unplug the pump by the power cord (either from the wall or the surge protector.)
  2. Locate the processor under the bed.
  3. Lift the door on the processor (the door is located above the hoses and swings up and out.)
  4. Lift and pull tab to remove processor.
  5. Re-insert the processor making sure it is firmly in place.
  6. Close the door and plug the pump back in.
  7. Wait for the 3rd light blinking before using the remote.
  8. The remote will fail to sync to the pump, select 'Skip' and complete the rest of the factory reset. 
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