How to edit your Sleep Number® app Wellness Profile


  • ​The Wellness Profile uses answers the user provides to better understand them and personalize their Sleep Number® smart bed experience.
  • Wellness Profile is located in the Profile tab under the sleeper's name.
  • Users fill out part of their wellness profile when they register or add sleepers. They can return to make edits or finish their wellness profile at any time.


Edit Sleeper Name

  1. Open the Sleep Number app.
  2. Tap Sleep.
  3. Select the sleeper name from the drop-down menu that you want to edit.
  4. Tap Profile.
  5. Tap My Wellness Profile.
  6. Choose Sleeper to edit your name.
  7. Tap your name or input field to make edits.
  8. Scroll down to save your changes.

Smart Remotes

If you have a Smart Remote, this will also change the sleeper names in your remote. Your bed will have to be online to receive the updated names to your smart remote.

Adjust Your Sleep Goal

  1. Tap Profile.
  2. Tap My Wellness Profile.
  3. Tap Sleeper.
  4. Scroll down to Set Up a Sleep Goal.
  5. Choose a goal between 6.5-9 hours. We recommend choosing an achievable goal. Sleeping more or less than your goal can lower your SleepIQ score. Learn more.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap Save.

Edit/Answer Wellness Questions

The Wellness Profile Questions uses answers you provide to better understand you and personalize your Sleep Number smart bed experience and can be updated via the Sleep Number app or website. You can make edits to your wellness profile or finish your profile at any time.


Sleep Number app:

  1. Tap the Sleep tab and select the Sleeper name from the drop-down menu that you want to edit.
  2. Tap Profile tab.
  3. Tap My Wellness Profile.
  4. Select the Field you want to edit: Sleeper, Home, Habits, Sleep Health.
  5. Select the drop-down arrow next to each questions to choose your response.
    • Note: Some questions in Habit do not apply to all Sleepers.
  6. Select Save at the bottom of the screen to save answers or edits.
    • Select Cancel to exit without saying answers or edits.
  7. Use the back arrow (top left) to get back to the main Profile screen.
    • Note: This does not save your answers or edits. You need to select Save to save your answers.

SleepIQ Website:

  1. Log into your Sleep Number account at
  2. Select Sleeper name from drop down menu (top of screen)
  3. Open Profile.
  4. Click "My Wellness Profile".
  5. Click pencil icon to answer questions for each section (Sleeper, Home, Habits, Sleep Health

About Each Section


  • Sleeper contains the sleeper profile information filled out during registration and personalized questions.
  • Go here to edit your name, weight and personalized questions about sleep habits and goals.
  • Adult sleepers show birth year only. Kid sleepers show birth year and month.


  • Home asks questions about pets, kids, and other sleepers.


  • Habits asks you about your normal exercise, alcohol and caffeine.
    • Not everyone exercises, uses caffeine or alcohol, so questions about how often do not apply to everyone.

Sleep Health

  • Sleep Health gathers information about sleep health conditions and treatments that could impact your health and wellbeing.


Remove Sleeper Profile and Other Account Changes

In order to ensure data privacy and accuracy, contact customer service to:

  • Remove Sleeper Profile
  • Change Account Holder Name
  • Change Account Holder Email Address

Support Hours

Mon - Fri: 8AM - 4:30PM CT

Saturday: 10AM - 2PM CT


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