Sleep Number® app: Heart Rate Variability

The Sleep Number smart bed offers customers many features that make it easy for them to support their overall wellness. One of these is our Heart Rate Variability feature, which helps sleepers understand how their bodies recover each night so they can manage their activity, energy, and well-being each day. 

  • You can better manage your overall wellness by having an indicator of your overnight recovery and potential energy levels with Sleep Number app Heart Rate Variability, which measures HRV while you are sleeping.   
  • HRV is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. This variability of your heart rate is an indicator of relaxation and better physical and cognitive performance.   
  • You will gain insights based on your heart rate variability trends to help you manage recovery and get your best energy. 


Each time you sleep, your smart bed effortlessly senses your biosignals through the full-body sensor in our Smart Beds to help determine your body’s restful state. The heart rate variability range is unique to the individual based on many factors such as age, gender, and health. Continue to track your HRV over time to find your personalized range. 

Your smart bed measures heart rate variability by using the standard deviation of the beat-to-beat measurements, known as SDNN (standard deviation of normal-to-normal inter-beat intervals measured in milliseconds). Tracking heart rate variability is best during sleep because external factors don’t impact the measurement. 



High Heart Rate Variability 

High heart rate variability (more variability) indicates: 

  • High energy 
  • Good recovery  
  • Relaxation
  • Enhance physical and cognitive performance
  • Balance of heart and mind.

This means your body has a strong ability to recover each night.

Low Heart Rate Variability 

On the other hand, low heart rate variability (less variability) indicates your body is not recovering each night, often resulting in lower energy and weakened immune system stress. 

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Positively Impacts HRV: Negatively Impacts HRV:
  • Getting enough sleep each night
  • Light exercise (e.g. yoga, walking)
  • Keeping your circadian rhythm on track by maintaining a consistent sleep routine (going to bed and waking up around the same time each day)
  • Relaxing activities before bed (e.g. meditation, journaling, taking a bath)


  • Not getting enough sleep or disruptive sleep
  • Inconsistent sleep patterns
  •  Over-exerting yourself
  • Working too close to bedtime
  • Illness
  • Stress
  • Not giving yourself time to relax before bedtime


Sleep Number App: Biosignals 

Daily Heart Rate Variability will display in the Biosignals section on the main screen of the Sleep tab. 

Click View Details to see weekly and monthly scores and trends.  

Heart rate variability data is presented in three ways on this screen: 

  • Via a number value 
  • On a scale from low to high  
  • Via daily insights 


Wellness Report 

The Wellness Report is a personalized monthly report that provides deeper insights into sleep data and trends. Smart bed owners will be able to see HRV on their Wellness Report by the 3rd day of every month, and after 7 days of sleep data has been collected.


SleepIQ Website 

Heart Rate Variability data is also available on the SleepIQ website 

Log in using your Sleep Number login credentials. 

Scroll down to the My Biometrics section.  

Click View Details to see weekly and monthly scores and trends. 



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