My Mattress Has Dips or Impressions

Applies To: Traditional Sleep Number Mattresses.


You can adjust the amount of air in your mattress to your desired comfort level, which makes it normal to see an impression where your body lays, especially if you have a lower Sleep Number setting. If you are noticing a dip that doesn't go away when your bed is filled to 100 on both sides, follow these steps to inspect your mattress.  


1. Remove all bedding.

2. Locate the zipper at the head of the bed and unzip to remove the top cover panel.

3. Use your hands to inspect the foam comfort layer.

  • Note: c2 models do not have a foam comfort layer. 

4. Place the foam between both hands to feel from the corner to where your body lies.

  • You are feeling to see if the foam is softer, less supportive, or thinner than the corner of the pad. If you notice a loss of support, contact us for help ordering a replacement comfort layer.

5. Hold the top cover panel on one side and shake like a rug to fluff. Repeat on all four sides before zipping back on.




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