My Mattress has Dips or Impressions: Sleep Number Smart Bed


You can adjust the amount of air in your mattress to your desired comfort level, which makes it normal to see an impression where your body lays, especially if you have a lower Sleep Number® setting.

If you notice a dip that doesn’t go away when your bed is filled to 100 on both sides, follow these steps to inspect your mattress and troubleshoot the issue. Instructions will vary depending on the type of base you have.

Sleep Number FlexFit™ smart base

  1. Remove all bedding from your bed.
  2. Check your FlexFit smart base legs and make sure the pin on each adjustable leg is set to the same hole in the frame. If they are not all on the same level, adjust the pins.
  3. Make sure each leg has a black rubber cap at the bottom of the leg. Missing caps can cause the base to lean to one side.
  4. Fill the bed to 100 on both sides with no one in the bed and then visually inspect the bed.
  5. If the bed looks sunken in when no one is in bed and it is inflated to 100: Please contact our customer service center to replace the foam system in your mattress.

Integrated base with Stylish Frame

  1. Remove all bedding from your bed.
  2. Make sure the integrated base is aligned so it sits flush with the stylish frame.
  3. Inspect the floor around your base to make sure it is level.
  4. Fill your bed to 100 on both sides with no one in the bed and then visually inspect the bed.
  5. If the bed looks sunken in when no one is in bed, and it is inflated to 100: Please contact our customer service center to replace the foam system in your mattress.

Integrated base (no legs)

  1. Remove all bedding from your bed.
  2. Visually inspect the furniture your bed sits in. Make sure the floor is level, there is proper support under the center of the bed, and there is no damage to the frame or furniture.
  3. Fill your bed to 100 on both sides with no one in the bed and then visually inspect the bed.
  4. If the bed looks sunken in when no one is in bed, and it is inflated to 100: Please contact our customer service center to replace the foam system in your mattress.

Mattress only/non-Sleep Number base

  1. Remove all bedding from your bed.
  2. Visually inspect the furniture your bed sits in. Make sure the floor is level, there is proper support under the center of the bed, and there is no damage to the frame or furniture.
  3. Fill your bed to 100 on both sides with no one in the bed and then visually inspect the bed.
  4. If the bed looks sunken in when no one is in bed, and it is inflated to 100: Please contact our customer service center to replace the foam system in your mattress.
  5. If the bed looks sunken in when no one is in bed, and it is inflated to 100: Please contact our customer service center to replace the foam system in your mattress.
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